Sign C to the correct sentence(s) and I for the incorrect one(s). Give the reason for your choices.
- Having taken any money from the cash register.
- There is a real danger of a war’s destroying the world.
- By clean the house everyday she is pleasing her husband.
- Playing with guns is dangerous.
- There is no deny that she is very efficient.
- The company appreciated his handle the affair discreetly.
- Eating a good breakfast is very wise.
- Their preparations for travel abroad were very time-consuming.
- He was very embarrassed at hearing himself praised.
- They complained about the birds shooting by the hunters.
Only write the number, your signs, and reasons. Example: 1. (Sign). (Reason).
Name : Annisa Puspita Sari
BalasHapusNim : A320100211
The sentence is correct because the pattern of the sentence shows active participle (having + V3)and it has meaning "after".
The sentence is correct because the using of possesive form and it explains that the destroying of the war with possesive form in gerund.
The sentence is incorrect because "by" as a preposition must be followed with gerund.But in that sentence use ver one.So the right form is By cleaning the house everyday she is pleasing her husband.
The sentence is correct because the using of gerund as an object is right.With in that sentence is preposition for the next word.
The sentence is incorrect because to show a prohibition using "no" must be followed with gerund.In that sentence also uses a special word "deny" after deny also use gerund.
The sentence is incorrect because after possesive adjective "his" must use gerund.So the correct sentence is The company appreciated his handling the affair discreetly.
The sentence is correct because the using of gerund as a subjet is right.
The sentence is incorrect because there is "for" as preposition and as we know after preposition must be followed with gerund but in that sentence uses verb one.The right form is Their preparations for travelling abroad were very time-consuming.
The sentence is correct because the using of gerund was right after preposition "at" must be followed with gerund like that sentence.
The sentence above is incorrect because after preposition "about" must be followed with gerund,the sentence in my opinion want to use passive form of gerund but incorrect.The correct form are They complained about shooting of the birds by the hunters or they complained about the birds being shot by the hunters.
BalasHapusA320 080 355
1.( C )
This sentence is correct, having(a gerund as subject), taken(as averb3), any money(as object), from the cash register(as adverbial phrase of place).
2.( C )
This sentence is correct, there(as subject), is(as verb), a real danger(noun phase as subject).
3.( I )
This sentence is incorrect, and the correct sentence is” She cleans the house everyday for pleasing her husband”.
4.( I )
This sentence is incorrect, and the correct sentence is” Playing guns is dangerous”. Playing guns is a gerund as a subject.
5.( I )
This sentence is incorrect, and the correct sentence is “ There is no denied that she is very efficient.” Because denied as a transitive verb.
6.( C )
This sentence is correct, the company(as subject), appreciated(as verb), his handle the affair(as object), discreetly(adverbial of manner).
7.( C )
This sentence is correct, Eating a good breakfast( a gerund as subject),is(a verb), very wise(as complement).
8.( I )
This sentence is incorrect, and the correct sentence is “ Their preparations for abroad travel were consuming very time.
9.( C )
This sentence is correct, because he(as subject), was very embrased(as verb3), at hearing himself praised(as object).
10.( C)
This sentence is correct, because they(as subject), complained(as verb3), about the birds shooting by the hunters(as object).
BalasHapusNIM : A.320 100 212
1. C
*Reason : Because the sentence is to show that the active participle (having + V3).
2. C
*Reason : Because the sentence shows that the war could destroy the world by using the phrase in the possessive gerund.
3. I
*Reason : Because the sentence is there use of the word preposition "by" which should be followed by a gerund, but in the sentence is not followed by a gerund.
4. C
*Reason : Because the sentence is correctly indicated by the object using the gerund.
5. I
*Reason : Because the sentence is a sentence there are restrictions as indicated by the word "no" which should after the word "no" followed by the gerund.
6. I
*Reason: Because the sentence after the word "his" do not use the gerund, which should it be "his handling"can not "his handle".
7. I
*Reason : Because the sentence using of gerund as a subjet is right.
8. I
*Reason : Because in these sentences have the word preposition "for" that should be followed by the gerund after a preposition.
9. C
*Reason : Because the sentence after the word preposition use gerund.
10. I
*Reason : Because after preposition "about" should use a gerund.
BalasHapusNIM:A320 100 173
Reason:because in passive verbal as subject.
Reason:because those sentence use possesive phrase.
Reason:because after "by' must be followed by gerund(ing).
Reason:because it is gerund as subject.
Reason:according to me after "no" there isn't noun.and after "no" must use noun.
Reason:because the pattern is true
reason:because it is gerund as subject.
Reason:because after "for" must be followed by gerund.
Reason:before gerund can use preposition.
Reason:after "about" must be followed by gerund, not by noun.
BalasHapusNIM : A320100234
The sentence is correct because the sentence active participle
The sentence is correct because the sentence using possesive form in gerund
The sentence is incorrect because after by is gerund,not only clean but cleaning
The sentence is correct because the using of gerund as an object
The sentence is incorrect because "no" followed by the gerund
The sentence is correct because the pattern in this sentence is right
The sentence is correct because the using of gerund as a subject is true
The sentence is incorrect because the preposition like "for" must be followed gerund after gerund
The sentence is correct because after word preposition "at" must be followed gerund
The sentence is incorrect because after word preposition "about" must be followed gerund
BalasHapusA 320 100 191
because the sentence use having+V3 so called the active participle.
because the destroying of the war shows the sentence use possessive form in gerund.
because the sentence use the word "by" followed V1 it shows the sentence the incorrect. The word “by” as a preposition must be followed with gerund.
because the sentence using of gerund as an object
because the sentence use the word “no” it shows a prohibition must be followed with gerund.
because the word “his” shows a possessive adjective so after the word “his” must use gerund (“handling”).
because the sentence using of gerund as a subject is right.
because in the sentence after "for" followed V1 so the sentence incorrect. after “for” as preposition must be followed with gerund( for traveling ).
because the sentence using of gerund after "at" as preposition.
because in the sentence after "about" as preposition not followed with gerund.
Name : Sri Meilani L.
BalasHapusNIM : A320080022
1. ( I ) because there is past pasticiple “taken” after “having” so having it self should be changed “to have”.
2. ( C ) because to be “is” is preceeding the V-ing “destroying.
3. ( I ) because the word “clean” is a gerund so it should be added by “-ing”
4. ( C ) because it is gerund as a subject.
5. ( I ) because “deny” should be added by “-ing” so the position as a gerund.
6. ( I ) because the sentence is odd.
7. ( C ) because the function is gerund as a subject.
8. ( C ) because the position is gerund as complement.
9. ( C ) because the sentence is simple past tense which include gerund (hearing).
10. ( C ) because the position is gerund as object complement.
BalasHapusNIM : A320100210
1. Obligation
Afra ought to use an umbrella because the rain is falling heavily outside.
The reason :
Ought to is also used for obligation. Ought to occur in statement about one’s duty or one’s advantage. I choose ought to because the rain is falling now outside. Thus Afra ought to use umbrella and it gives advantage for her. If Afra doesn’t use umbrella, she will be wet.
2. Permission
May Rina and I visit your house to see your books collection? We really want to see it.
The reason :
I choose may because it shows permission. If we want to go our friend’s house we have to permit first. It is a part of attitude. So I use may.
3. Possibility
Khumaira didn’t accept my telephone. She might sleep in her bedroom. So she didn’t know about that.
The reason :
Might is used for possibility. I choose might because I don’t know the right answer why she doesn’t accept my telephone. She might sleep, she might take a bath or others. Thus, it is still possibility and I choose might.
4. Necessity
The human must eat and drink everyday to defend their life in this world. If they don’t do that they will die.
The reason :
Eating and drinking are the necessary for human life in this world. Thus they are very important. I think they are like duty for human life in the world. So the people must eat and drink if they want life and the people can’t leave this regular activity. Thus I choose must.
To: Mr. Nurhidayat
Mr. it is my first assignment, actually I had summit it before deadline, but I do not know why there is no in comment box. So I send again. Thank you.
BalasHapusNIM : A320100188
-reason:because it is phrases.The correct any >>much.
-reason: because in the sentence a subject is included gerund,so using possesive form
-reason:because"by"as a preposition must be followed with gerund.So the right form is By cleaning the house everyday she is pleasing her husband.Clean>cleaning
-reason: because the using of gerund as an object is right.
-reason: because if we use "no" must be followed with gerund >no+ Ving.its include a prohibition.
-reason: because after possesive adjective "his" must use gerund.So the correct sentence is The company appreciated his handling the affair discreetly.handle>> handling.
-reason: because the using of gerund as a subjet is right.
-reason: because there is "for" as preposition and as we know after preposition must be followed with gerund but in that sentence uses verb one.The right form is Their preparations for travelling.
-reason: because the using of gerund was right after preposition "at" must be followed with gerund.
-reason: the correct form are> They complained about the birds shot by hunter.because the sentence incorrect after prepositon"about" must be followed with gerund.
BalasHapusA 320 080 015
1. I because there is past pasticiple “taken” after “having” so having it self should be changed “to have”.
2. C because to be “is” is preceeding the V-ing “destroying.
3. I because the word “clean” is a gerund so it should be added by “-ing”
4. C because it is gerund as a subject.
5. I because “deny” should be added by “-ing” so the position as a gerund.
6. I because the sentence is odd.
7. C because the function is gerund as a subject.
8.C because the position is gerund as complement.
9. C because the sentence is simple past tense which include gerund (hearing).
10. C because the position is gerund as object complement.
Name : arwin adin P
BalasHapusA. 320080223
1. (I) it is phrases.
2. (C) a subject is included gerund, so using possessive form
3. (I) the right form is by cleaning
4. (C) the using of gerund as an object is right.
5. (I) because the sentence use the word “no” it shows a prohibition must be followed with gerund.
6. (I) the correct sentence is The Company appreciated his handling the affair discreetly. Handle>> handling.
7. (C) the using of gerund as a subject is right.
8. (I) the right form is their preparations for travelling.
9. (C) because the using of gerund was right after preposition "at" must be followed with gerund.
10. (I) because in the sentence after "about" as preposition not followed with gerund.
BalasHapusNIM : A 320100210
1. C
Because it is not sentence. it is clause
So if we want make a sentence we can add subject and predicat.
2. C
Because the subject is correct use gerund with ‘s possessive ending.
3. I
Actually we have to write cleaning not clean. Because it is started by preposition so after that we can use gerund.
4. C
Because the subject of the sentence is gerund phrase.
5. I
Because we should write denying, and there is world “no” so after it we use gerund.
6. I
Because actually handle must to be change with handling. So we can make gerund phrase.
7. C
Because the subject is gerund phrase and I think the structure of the sentence is right.
8. I
Because there is for in the sentence it shows that we have to use gerund after for.
9. C
Because there is preposition . it is “at”. So after “ at” we can use gerund.
10. I
Because actually we have to write “ the shooting of the bird” so that we can make gerund phrase and there is word “ about” so we use gerund after it.